A Case of the Mondays
Ever wonder how to combine meaning and work? Ever feel like a rebel in your own company? Have you looked at other companies and thought 'Why can't we innovate like them?' Join your host, Chris Thierfelder and his guests from all corners of the business world to discuss these ideas and more each Monday through the summer. Spend a little extra time in the car with us, and maybe you'll learn something new, or maybe you'll just have a reason not to step in to that cubicle on time. A thoughtful business podcast for thoughtful business people.
A Case of the Mondays
"Bullshit Jobs and The Revolt of the Caring Class" w/ David Graeber
Today Chris sits down for an expansive talk with David Graeber. He is an anthropologist, author, activist and all-round congenial rabble-rouser. We cover his early observations that led to him writing his seminal work on modern labor "Bullshit Jobs" and trace through to today, where we see many of his earlier theories put to the test and found quite accurate, not the least of which being that the people we currently refer to as "non-essential" workers were, in fact, engaged in a fair volume of bullshit work.
We take a clear look at the state of the economy and of work and what the pandemic is revealing about that, and what we hope to see come out the other side.
Read this stuff:
Book: "Bullshit Jobs" (finally read the thing that Chris keeps referencing)
Article: Click here for a collection of David's articles
Scholarly Work: Click here for a collection David's scholarly work.
A History of the ILGWU
Writer, Host: Chris Thierfelder
Producers: Sarah and Max Warman
Art: Jennie Jacobs
Music: Kevin MacLeod
IG: @mondaypod
LinkedIn: A Case of the Mondays
Site: A Case of the Mondays
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